If you’re advertising to women then you must read Jane Cunningham & Philippa Robert’s new book, “Inside her pretty little head – a new theory of female motivation and what it means for marketing”.
Ok I admit I’ve dropped my male guard a little to allow this one through, however Jane and Philipa do spark some very interesting thoughts.
There are 6 key themes that they base their differences between men and women around:
- intellectual function
- base reaction
- stress response
- innate interest
- survival strategy
- mental preference
I won’t give it away but the addition of empirical evidence to explain the differences is lovely.
And if a brand is to successfully appeal to a female audience, then they advise that it has to crack the “Feminine Code”.
Not product and emotional benefits, but contributing on 4 core dimensions to a female’s utopian desire:
- Altruism
- Aesthetics
- Ordering
- Connection
Highly recommend http://www.prettylittlehead.co.uk
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