content marketing

26 02, 2019

How to build a focused strategic positioning – on values and authenticity

By |2022-03-30T13:04:17+11:00February 26th, 2019|advertising, content marketing, customer insights, event, inspiration, marketing, meaningful, Purpose-driven marketing, strategy planning|0 Comments

I was recently asked to assist in evolving a strategic positioning, and to help the client build a foundation for [...]

17 05, 2018

How to create more meaningful marketing connection

By |2021-06-10T04:13:36+10:00May 17th, 2018|advertising, business growth, content marketing, customer insights, customer loyalty, customer relationship management, data insights, inspiration, marketing, meaningful, measurement, Purpose-driven marketing, reinvention, segmentation, social networks, strategy planning, transformation|0 Comments

In a world where technology is taking over, channels are getting out of control, privacy is being hacked, and loyalty [...]

8 02, 2018

Is meaningful interaction in Facebook really that meaningful?

By |2018-02-08T13:11:12+11:00February 8th, 2018|content marketing, digital, marketing, meaningful, Purpose-driven marketing, social networks, transformation|0 Comments

Facebook recently announced that it has changed its News Feed to prioritize “meaningful social interactions” over “relevant content”. The news [...]

5 12, 2017

What do you do?

By |2021-06-10T04:13:37+10:00December 5th, 2017|Acquisition, BIg Data, business growth, content marketing, customer engagement, customer insights, customer relationship management, data insights, database, inspiration, lifecycle marketing, marketing, segmentation, strategy planning, transformation|0 Comments

It's a common question that people ask me. So what do I do? I help businesses get on the front [...]

22 11, 2017


By |2021-06-10T04:13:38+10:00November 22nd, 2017|Acquisition, BIg Data, business growth, content marketing, customer insights, customer loyalty, customer relationship management, data insights, database, inspiration, marketing, reinvention, segmentation, strategy planning, targeting, transformation, website|0 Comments

Is your business. 1. transforming around technology and a new digital ecosystem? 2. integrating POS, Apps, and more and more [...]

19 09, 2017

Over 90,000 participants fed into a food personality segmentation. Which one are you?

By |2021-06-10T04:13:39+10:00September 19th, 2017|BIg Data, content marketing, customer insights, data insights, digital, inspiration, marketing, segmentation, strategy planning, targeting|0 Comments

The CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) is the federal government agency for scientific research in Australia. It has [...]

30 05, 2017

Now this is customer loyalty marketing at its best

By |2021-06-10T04:13:40+10:00May 30th, 2017|content marketing, customer loyalty, customer relationship management, customer service experience, inspiration, marketing, strategy planning|0 Comments

I recently flew back from regional Australia to Sydney. As I was thumbing through the Rex flight magazine, an article called [...]

12 12, 2016

Two great book recommendations by Jeff Bullas

By |2021-06-10T04:13:41+10:00December 12th, 2016|BIg Data, business growth, content marketing, reinvention, Startup|0 Comments

I always respect a good book recommendation. These two coming from Jeff Bullas, (entrepreneur, blogger, author, marketer and speaker) who I met recently at MediaSocial. [...]

15 08, 2016

In search of the lost marketing plans

By |2021-06-10T04:13:43+10:00August 15th, 2016|advertising, business growth, content marketing, customer engagement, customer insights, data insights, digital, marketing, measurement, strategy planning|0 Comments I'm thinking of trying to entice Harrison Ford in to making a Dr "Indiana" Jones comeback. To help [...]

14 04, 2016

The business value of delving into data

By |2021-06-10T04:13:43+10:00April 14th, 2016|BIg Data, business growth, content marketing, customer engagement, customer insights, data insights, digital, lifecycle marketing, marketing, measurement, segmentation, social media, strategy planning, transformation|0 Comments

Everyone's talking about data. I speak to heads of procurement, chief marketing officers, insight managers, IT leaders, technology vendors, digital [...]

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