Well, as every so called marketing guru looks into their crystal ball and making predictions, I thought why buck the trend.

So like a good little sheep, here are 8 interesting thoughts for marketers in 2016. Although hopefully they are a little more thought provoking than the typical ones you’ve read.

Read the full article in LinkedIn, where I cover:

  1. focussing on employee value and satisfying the front line in order to improve customer experiences. Don’t fall into the trap of Woolworths, 7-Eleven and other organisations outlined in The Australia Customer Experience Index 2015
  2. data moves from big to insightful. Is your dashboard insightful?
  3. social commerce. Are you thinking about moving people from conversation to engagement, to potential product interest? Or are you simply pushing flooding social channels with streams of stuff?
  4. identifying true advocates (that are high value to our business, and have high network reach and influence)
  5. the flood of IoT, but move from hype to commercial application. I also heard another use yesterday talking to a colleague, where he outlined the use for thermal imaging and capturing the health of livestock etc for farmers.
  6. the multichannel management of customer service and customer satisfaction. We all need to take a leaf out of Ritz-Carlton’s book. Plus read this post on Australia’s leading customer experience brand
  7. beware the ongoing invasion of privacy
  8. the evolution of automation to profitability rather than big brother stalking

Click here to read about each prediction.

I’d also love to hear your thoughts too as a comment. Where do you think 2016 will take marketers?

PS – plus for many more bold predictions by TrinityP3’s marketing management consultants, click here